Séria FE – elektrické vstrekolisy

Elektrické vstrekovacie lisy FE


Product line: FE Series

  • Fast and closed-loop control system with outstanding performance repeatability.
  • The patented central suspension system creates uniform closing force, reducing deflection of the movable platen.
  • Platňa poháňaná servomotormi so skrutkovicami.
  • Energy saving - Efficient energy conversion reduces energy consumption. Water for cooling hydraulic oil is not required.
  • Efficiency - Synchronized machine movements enable achieving short cycle times with high precision.
  • Precision - The control precision up to 0.01 mm ensures product quality.
  • Clean - Without hydraulic oil, maintaining a clean manufacturing environment.
  • High speed - High-speed and intelligent control of mold and injection movements.
  • Quiet - Low noise of the machine creates a comfortable manufacturing environment.
  • The control system from the Austrian manufacturer KEBA is characterized by high precision, reliability, and user-friendly operation, making it popular among many machine manufacturers.